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Skin - gut axis

the skin gut axis bookshop by Marcelline Goyen
Microbiome gut and skin in the skin gut axis  bookshop
book the amazing world of the skin gut axis including the role of the microbiome, by Marcelline Goyen BSc skin therapy
books about the skin gut axis from the skin gut axis bookshop by Marcelline Goyen

Our dream

The skin and the gut are closely connected and cooperating and in science we call this the gut-skin axis. It's our dream to help people with skin diseases all over the world as much as possible by sharing the knowledge of the skin-gut axis or the relation between skin health (and disease or disbalance) and the health of our intestines. ​​

An imbalanced gut health can manifest in skin conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, and premature skin aging. For skin professionals, understanding this connection is essential to addressing skin issues at their root and achieving long-lasting results. 


In our scientifically backed books you will discover how gut health, our microbiome, nutrition, and lifestyle influence the skin and how to apply this knowledge practically in your practice. Expand your expertise and offer your clients a holistic approach to achieving radiant and healthy skin.


The books we offer are written by Marcelline Goyen BSc Skin therapy with more than 20 years practical experience in her own skin therapy practice in The Netherlands. 

hands Together
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 Example of treatment of seborrhoic eczema

Before gut treatment.


Case: seborrheic eczema treated via the intestines and the intestinal microbiome, cured within 1 month by Marcelline Goyen, skin therapist BSc. This case about the role of intestinal parasites is discussed in chapter 1 in the book 'The amazing world of the skin-gut axis' (2024)



Example of treatment of seborrhoic eczema



One month after gut treatment.

Case: seborrheic eczema treated via the intestines and the intestinal microbiome, cured within 1 month by Marcelline Goyen, skin therapist BSc. This case about the role of intestinal parasites is discussed in chapter 1 in the book 'The amazing world of the skin-gut axis' (9-2024)

Our mission

It is our mission to spread this skin-gut-axis vision worldwide, so that more and more people with chronic skin conditions can be truly helped by activating their self-healing ability.

Our mission is also our passion: sharing knowledge and insights about the relationship between the skin and the gut and demonstrating that the skin is nourished from the inside out through healthy food and a healthy lifestyle.


"Healthy skin comes from both the outside and the inside!"

Our favorite quote:

"Knowledge is power,

sharing knowledge is strength."

Over time, the skin gut axis bookshop has grown into a well-known digital bookstore and is a popular destination for customers from various backgrounds in healthcare and the general public. This bookstore is unique in its kind and subject matter (the skin-gut connection) and is therefore an absolute must for anyone who wants to delve into the skin and its relationship with the gut, our nutrition, and lifestyle. Take advantage of our scientifically substantiated books today.

How to become a good
skin-gut expert?

If you want to become a good skin-gut therapist / expert, you need to know as much as possible about the skin, skin functions and parameters and how this all is relatad to among others the gut, digestion, the gut microbiome, the immune system, lifestyle and diet. The knowledge about these subjects you will learn in the skin-gut axis books you can buy on this website. 

At Skin gut axis Bookshop, we understand how difficult it can be to find the right (digital) books that meet your specific needs. This service will help you make the right decision and get the most out of your choice. If you are still unsure about what to choose, one of our team members will be happy to assist you. Please feel free to contact us via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Knowledge is power,

sharing knowledge is strenght!

Medisch consult

Skin gut axis Bookshop Opus Nova

Marcelline Goyen, author & publisher

Zaltbommel - The Netherlands

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